Notification rate maps


The interactive map below shows notification rates for the conditions presented in the HIV, viral hepatitis and sexually transmissible infections in Australia: Annual surveillance report. 

Instructions on how to use the map are shown below.

  • To select the population of interest, filter by condition, year grouping and region using the drop down menus below the map
  • For a reference to the colour hue vs. the notification rate, see Colour legend to the bottom and to the left of the map.
  • The age-standardised rates are presented per 100 000 population, by infection, Statistical Area 3 and three year grouping.
  • To see the map in full screen select the box icon to the bottom right of the map.

Overall notification numbers as well as detailed breakdowns, analysis and interpretation are published annually in the HIV, viral hepatitis and sexually transmissible infections in Australia: Annual surveillance report.

Notification rate maps

Please note the following:

  1. These data may be different to those reported by state and territory health authorities due to differing definitions of notification dates used in the generation of the notification rates.
  2. The notification rates for the Australian Capital Territory have been consolidated into one area and represent the territory as a whole.